
I have learned a lot about making the right food choices over the years.  I was quite stubborn in my younger years, as I didn’t want to give up my favourite foods, even knowing that they are harmful to my body.  It wasn’t until recently that I decided to make a big change in order to feel better.  When you decide to go on a diet, for short term reasons like “summer is around the corner” or that upcoming “special event”.  Yes, you can manage to shed those few pounds by then but it won’t be long lasting.  That’s because we will eventually crave those forbidden foods, and probably even more, which in turn, the weight will return.

What has inspired me to go on this health mission, is our healthcare today.  Most doctors are encouraging us to take medication for our symptoms which does not deal with the issue but just control the symptoms.  This has been bothering me for some time now which is why I decided to take action into my own hands.  Through research, workshops, seminars and trying to reduce my intake of refined sugars and carbs, I noticed that I can manage my symptoms mainly by eating the right foods.  This is why I am constantly coming up with new recipes that eliminate ingredients such as wheat, dairy & sugar.  It sounds difficult but believe me, feeling better long term is better than indulging on something short term.  Don’t get me wrong, of course we need to stay on medication for our ailments but by eating this way, I have found that we don’t need to rely solely on our medication.  For example, EATING CLEANER is known to help with many DIGESTIVE ISSUES like heartburn, acid reflux and IBS, to name a few.

